We provide comprehensive, streamlined entrepreneurship programs that compete with Ivy-League MBA and business programs at a fraction of the cost with our hub-and-spoke model and with guided coaching, mentorship & real-life experience - all applied in real time. We also provide consulting and coaching for those who desire to develop their own programs. Finally, we offer profit-sharing models with universities and businesses.
By 2027, 60% of the workforce is projected to be independent.
Approximately one-third of all would-be entrepreneurs now take at least one online course and that number continues to increase.
Support is missing for these students in both in-person and online.
After-program support and experience influences decision-making on whether a student returns for more education.
More students are seeking assistance in their career performance or advancement (i.e., upward mobility) and / or monetization of their knowledge.
Funding is not the complete answer; action that is and produces sustainable results, equips and empowers is necessary.
Business aren’t as loyal as once were and economy has stalled on progress in decreasing poverty rates.
37% (44M) of Americans have a side income.
40% of Americans need the additional income to cover ordinary living expenses (excluding crises related to death, health or loss of any kind).
The average side hustle produces only $200-$600 per month extra and is prejudiced against veterans, a lack of a high school education, the disabled, women, minorities and children specifically, regardless of geographical region.
80% of adults in US have ‘limited economic security.’*
Multiple surveys have indicated that people need more money because their spending is out of control.
Entrepreneurship is good for economy and additional psychosocioemotional factors
Mental health, labeled by the WHO as a ‘critical HR issue’ is affected by work; work helps and being out of work hurts. Poverty and poor mental and physical health are closely connected. People want to start businesses; business start-up is one of the most heavily Googled items but people don’t know how to make money. Universities are too expensive and offer theoretical instead of practical experience.
Online, on-demand education on the rise and cost is a major barrier
Lack of opportunity and high cost keep most people in poverty due to lack of access to resources. Also, upward income mobility overall in the US is uncommon. Additional issues that stem from poverty include:
Lack of health insurance,
Low weight births,
Decrease in preventative care,
School absences,
Lack of nutrition,
Layoffs leading to school absences, school changes, further financial distress and an inability to catch up.
But outcomes vary and sustainability is questioned due to lack of in-person mentoring and connection.
Barriers to learners include child care, flexible scheduling, healthcare - all additional costs associated with these programs. Our programs address all these and bridge gaps + provide giving back opportunities with same proven structural framework.
No matter how effective a company is, historical and recent crises have proven the fact that companies are expected to be loyal to their employees. Our work helps garner and solidify more loyal and well-qualified employees.
JPI solutions offer a lower barrier to learner entry; can be modified to be taught in person or on public computer via library but on a secured platform. Can be disseminated through existing agencies with whom individuals already have relationship / trust. Our streamlined curriculum moves learners through in sequential pattern, regardless of area of study choice or interest; based largely on experience while supported in well-documented literature and theoretical application.
We offer our own certification. Our largest program is 12 months, includes business and life coaching (actual cost post-tax is typically 60% of and the costs also include actual real-world application; meaning upon program completion a business should be able to generate income or investors by stage of development).
*These numbers have deteriorated since 2021.