Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we affect communal, generational and societal change through our tiered approaach.


Our philanthropic programs address generational change, heart issues, poverty practices and mentality; teach stewardship and business. Our clients can take the program into their communities and partner with the people already there.

The program also works with NGO’s and government operations to establish on-site outreach and partnerships to facilitate partnerships with doctors, food banks, the establishment of community gardens or aquaponics systems.


A community liaison trainer facilitates a lighter version of the program in the community. Each participant who buys into the community program establishes their own community area (and can partner with local NGOs and small businesses) to service two parts of the community - either solo or in collaboration with YMCA / YWCA (in the U.S.), providing business training and physical training.


These ongoing programs and partnerships allow JPI to provide additional ‘seed money’ into the programs (e.g., clinics, gardens, mobile care buses for homeless showers, child education buses, etc.) as well as continue translating the programs into different languages.